I’m a planner. I like to know what’s coming up next, in my writing and my life in general. I use a planner and find satisfaction in crossing off my to-do list every day. But I have come to terms with the fact that “life is what happens to us when we’re planning something else.” (Thanks to Richard Paul Evans for the quote.)
I set writing goals at the beginning of the year and share it with my writing group. I usually have goals laid out for each quarter or season. For 2023, I’m almost on schedule. So far, I revised a YA mystery and queried it to agents, finished a draft for my YA time travel with romantic elements, and attended the RWA conference. The time travel novel is taking a while to wrap up, but I hope to do that before I attend the 2023 Author and Illustrator Conference in Anchorage in late September.
I’m behind on my goal to review my author/writing plans. I haven’t found the quiet time needed to really ponder that issue. If you want to throw a little inspiration my way, feel free to send positive vibes. Or I’ll take chocolate, too! 😉
I have two more goals on my list for this year, to finish the time travel book and update my author website. Will it all happen as I expect? Probably not. But I feel more productive when I have something to shoot for, even if it doesn’t all happen as planned.
How about you? Are you a planner, or do you make decisions on the fly? What has worked (or not worked) for you so far this year? Let us know in the comments.