November is National Novel Writing Month! This event has a soft spot in my heart, because it pushed me to write my first novel.
Way back when, I'd always thought it might be fun to write a novel, but I was a bit intimidated by the time needed. Then I heard about NaNoWriMo. The gave me the permission to spend the hours writing a fun, messy first draft. That got me hooked, and led to all my other books, including my published ones.

NaNoWriMo started as a challenge to write the first draft of a whole novel during the month of November. There are now offshoots at other times of year, as well. There’s also a NaNoWriMo program just for kids and teens, called the Young Writers Program (YWP). Check it out at
Sound like fun? It can be, and I encourage you to try it this year. The world needs your story!