Note: This was first posted in the Romancing the Genres blog.
The beginning of the year is a great time to do something new. Want to try a new hobby, join a club, work toward a big goal? You can do one or all of those things—a new year, a new you!
I’m guessing you already have a new year’s resolution or other goal for your “official” commitment for this year. Let me suggest some other things you might try during 2022. These items may not be earth-shaking, but they will provide moments of satisfaction or joy. That’ll give you the feeling of a new you!
· Put on a favorite song. Sing along or dance to it.
· Take a new route on your next walk.
· Try a movie or TV show that sounds intriguing.
· Play—ride a bike, play a game, or skip down the sidewalk.
· Try a new food.
· Watch birds, either at a neighborhood feeder or out in nature.
· Tell someone thank you.
· Pull a favorite item out of your closet and wear it for a whole day.
· Watch rain fall or the clouds roll by.
· Make a list of five things you admire about yourself.
After you’ve done something new or fun or satisfying, are your shoulders a little less heavy? Do you feel bright as a shiny penny? Then you’re new in 2022! Good for you!
Any ideas to add to my list? What makes you feel joy?